Press Release Summary: Error Nuker is a powerful utility that will repair the Windows Registry
Press Release Body: If you are experiencing problems with your PC, or it\'s no longer performing as it used to, the likelihood is your Windows registry is overloaded with redundant entries created by the Windows operating system or other software.In that case Error Nuker is a must have for you. Windows registry is the nerve center of PC and subsequently it needs repairing!
Even moderate use of a PC running Windows could result in numerous registry errors across the Windows registry. Many of these entries are no longer needed or used by Windows and may well disrupt the smooth running of your system. After just a few days these Windows registry keys and files can begin to accumulate and, over time, will cause your PC to slow down, trigger \'missing\' .exe or .dll files messages and finally stop running altogether. Some registry errors may cause critical system errors. Deleted programs often leave a few Windows registry keys and files littered around and these are potential problems that grow into system errors.
Automatic Scan By default, Error Nuker scans the registry for all types of system errors. This is the simplest way to clean up the registry. Automatic Scan is recommended for \'non-technical\' users. Custom Scans You customize your search and scan Windows registry for particular types of errors (shared DLLs, missing fonts, invalid startup entries, etc.). Manual Cleanup After the scan is complete, Error Nuker will show you a full list of errors with details, broken down by types and let you fix individual invalid entries or all invalid entries of a certain type. Backup and Undo Before removing an entry from your registry, Error Nuker automatically creates a backup file that can be used to undo the changes. Scheduler You can schedule Error Nuker to scan the registry. All of the above mentioned operations will help the system to work error free.